Going Home

The words have been spoken...

"I do NOT like this RV trip!"

The speaker of such words shall remain nameless, but said speaker may or may not have just lost their dessert for injury to a sibling.

We may be cracking.  You know how you need a vacation after your vacation? I think we need a vacation... But we Just. Keep. Going. For the love!

We are coming off days of reconnecting with people - amazing, generous, dear people. Not one place did we want to leave when saying our goodbyes.

We passed by Niagara Falls on the way into Canada for Niagara on the Lake's Shaw Festival. We loved the quaint town of Niagara on the Lake and the Canterbury Inn that graciously accommodated our 35 foot RV in their tiny parking lot. Their gorgeous garden out back gave us wonderful time to just sit with Grandma and Grandpa and watch numerous performances by the girls. It was lovely. Grandpa got us back stage passes to Alice and Wonderland and we were privileged to see all that goes into such a dynamic performance from costume design to special effects under the stage. This brought such added interest and meaning to the play for the girls, and we all sat captivated throughout the performance. "Curiouser and curiouser." As a family, we had read and studied the book prior to the play and this too added such meaning. As an English teacher, I will never forget the discussion I had with my girls at the close of our study about curiosity and hidden meaning in the novel. They put some of my high school students to shame. Quite a few quotes from this piece will remain relevant throughout our travels! "We're all mad here!"

Next stop, Canandaigua, NY where Mr. and Mrs. G opened their home to us and showered us with love and generosity. Well, that and literally allowed us to shower. Mrs. G taught the girls how to play croquet which was fun after seeing Alice and Wonderland! Mr. G taught the girls how to fish, and they taught Mr. G the importance of providing a proper habitat and care for said fish before beheading, frying, and eating them. (They were delicious!) Boat excursions, painting on the lake, board games, amazing meals and conversation, homemade brownie sundaes with homemade chocolate sauce and this weary crew was not ready to push off when the time came. We loved our visit and can't wait to return.



While in NY, we also had the opportunity to have dinner with my Aunt and Uncle, and cousin. They welcomed us and my parents into their home for a wonderful evening of reconnecting and the meaningful fulfillment of an odd request. If you've had little ones you'll agree that often their emotions can manifest in odd ways. For us, a heavy load of emotions has often resulted in tears over
well, missing grandpa's pancakes for example. Do we really miss grandpa pancakes? Well, sure, the man is talented, and sprinkles and whip cream are involved, but you can bet those tears are coming from a whole host of other emotions. Nevertheless, Grandpa surprised my girls with pancakes... at my aunt and uncle's home. This family will be forever grateful they opened their kitchen to such an odd meal made by someone else in their kitchen. Forever. Grateful.

As we left NY and headed to Wisconsin we needed an oil change and to lube the chassis. Yes, this is a thing. That and the girls and I were begging Shawn to dump the black tank. We learned that bumping down the road with a full black tank and the windows open does not make for a pleasurable ride. Shawn for some reason is not bothered by this phenomenon. We pulled off the road in Elyria, OH and the name rung a bell. I'd sent Christmas cards to Elyria. I realized my cousin lived there who I had not seen in years! I took a chance and messaged her. She immediately responded, pulled her kids out of summer camp, and met with us at her school. I cried. To see each other and have our kids meet just made my heart full. I know my grandparents were smiling on such a gathering!


Another exciting, impromptu visit was to my Aunt and Uncle in WI. I took a chance realizing how close I was to their home and invited them to join us for dinner in the area. They graciously invited us to their beautiful home for dinner instead. When you are traveling with kids someone's home is always preferable to a restaurant. They must have known! Such a better environment to truly catch up and have meaningful conversation. It was such a lovely evening.

After a two day trip across the midwest, we finally reached Mountain, WI and my family's cabin for the 4th of July. Although there was no family reunion this year, they graciously allowed us to come anyway. We had the most wonderful time. While we love our family reunions, it was neat to have such quiet time up north catching up with the Niemanns. It was such special treat watching the cousins play for hours on the lake, going to the Mountain fireworks together, tubing on Jesse and Emily's boat, and late nights full of laughter and great conversation. It was so hard to leave.



Next stop, my hometown, Naperville, IL. We rolled up to my college roommate's home adorned with a sign, everyone on the porch, and the song, "Welcome to My House." It was quite the reception! We spent days and long nights catching up and playing with our sweet friends and TOYS!!! For girls who packed 10 stuffed animals and a bin of small toys I'm saving for a rainy day this was a treat! I had a chance to take the girls to see my childhood home and schools and share some special memories. My annual Chicago visits are usually spent in the city, so spending time in my hometown was fun. We spent a day at the pool, a day at the Morton Arboretum, and an amazing evening reunited with my sorority sisters, our husbands, and ALL of our crazy kids! Such joy in that home!

We then spent a night at the home of another dear friend of mine. They treated us to our favorite Giordanos, we played, and after bedtime, the parents had much needed time to catch up! I cherish these opportunities. They may come only once a year, but when we gather it feels as if no time has passed.

Then we were off to the home of my HS best friend. It's like going home for me. They opened their home to us after coming off of a week in Florida... I mean right off the plane. Bless. Guests right after vaca. The food, the wine, the conversation, the time together.... It was beyond words. You know you're home when your husband is wearing your friend's mom's snuggie. We got to hang at the pool, go to the movies, play in the yard, watch So You Think You Can Dance, and cartoons... And oh, the snacks they have! I had to drag my kids out with their pockets stuffed.



We finished our visit home by gathering with my Godparents and family. My heart is full!

I just love our people. We all have a pocketful of people that are really our people no matter the time or distance that passes between us. And let me tell you, you really know your people when you are asking to park a 35 ft RV in front of their home, enter with a load of laundry over your shoulder, tired kiddos in tow, and a huge, hairy dog that BTW has to sleep at the foot of my bed. I freaking love my people. They flung open the doors, went running with my dog even after I said, "but you'll have to bring a poop bag," helped me with my laundry, and fed us. As are most women, I am opposed to overstepping boundaries, asking for too much help with even my best friends, but this trip proved to humble me into arriving in a state of disarray without gifts, a bottle of wine, and an appetizer and say I'm here and I thank you for taking us in. I have never loved my people more. We drive away with a full heart missing each and every one of you already!

And if we have not yet visited you and you're reading this... Spoiler alert. Don't think about saying you'll be out of town that week! We're comin' anyway! 😉


  1. I am soooo thrilled to have checked in and found you again! Your adventures and your wonderful articulation of them have me blanketed in goosebumps and grins (speaking of blankets, that snuggie rocks! Shawn) Acadia being number one with M & R warms my heart of course.


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