Glacier National Park

As we drove through South Dakota and Montana all I could think is fill up now and cross our fingers nothing happens between here and Glacier because the vultures will find us before anyone else does. I was struck by the endless, empty miles and pretty sure any moment a cowboy would come thundering over the hill next to me and race the RV. He would be very cute. I could picture natives living in harmony with this land as we drove as much as I could imagine a train of covered wagons making their way to Oregon. Which brought up the Oregon Trail for Shawn and me. Tell me you played this state of the art video game when you were in 4th grade. My oxen always died of exhaustion. 

I stared out the window as we drove and suddenly we were racing something, not my cowboy, but a train that came peeling around the corner miles long hauling coal. The sound was deafening. 

Rolling hills, mountains, breathtaking rivers, prairies that stretch for miles, and amongst this beauty endless wooden posts stretching barbed wire fences across marked territory where one ranch ends and another begins. Herds of cattle dot the land giving free range a different meaning in your grocery aisle. Please let my meat come from here. 

I cannot imagine living out here but find it intriguing. I mean how does the bus driver do it? What if you need sugar? Who is your neighbor? 

We began one of many descents, which is no small breaking feat, into Missoula, MT. At the crest it appeared a town hidden in a bowl surrounded by mountains. It was the biggest we'd seen in days. We pulled into, unexpectedly, a very urban area, 55+feet long mind you, and up to my mom's cousin Jim's home. No one quite imagines our size when they say, "Sure you can park outside my house." Jim kept his word though and within minutes was literally firing up a chainsaw and hacking down limbs to fit us on his narrow city street! Bless! 

The welcome mat didn't end there. Chloe and Louis, Jim's St. Bernards where a hit with the girls. We had dinner with Jim, Rhon, and Natalia my mom's cousins I have never had the opportunity to meet, toured downtown Missoula - reminds me so much of Asheville, NC - hit the Saturday farmers market, a soda shop for the girls, and an amazing dinner in the mountains at Rhon and Natalia's home. Shawn and my dad trekked through bear country and had the opportunity to go fly fishing while there as well. It was an amazing visit we won't forget with overwhelming hospitality! 


As we left Missoula and neared Glacier the Rockies were just a shadowed outline in the distance. The closer we got the more our jaws drop as they emerged majestic and capped with picturesque snow. 

We settled into our campground and prepared for a week with no hook up. Roughing it! My parents found us at our campsite and we caught a Jr. Ranger program; the girls got a surprise when a fox crossed their path as we waked home. 


Bright and early we braved Going to the Sun Road. This drive is one of the most famous in the states and it delivered. Acadia has a special place in my heart and remains #1 for my girls, but I must say Glacier is #1 in beauty for me. Absolutely breathtaking. We spent the day driving, spotting bears, hiking, skipping rocks, and even found a swimming hole... Well, I say that loosely as you should absolutely NOT swim in 40 below water, but to everyone but my mother and me, this aqua blue water was too tempting. It was an amazing day. 



The rock to the right... who do you think dove off of it and into glacier water? 
Day two we ventured to Many Glacier Lake and hiked in some serious bear country. We did a lot of singing and clapping like idiots; Shawn had his hand on the bear spray during that trek, but the view at the end was worth it! 

Notice Shawn scouting ahead!
Happy 47th Anniversary to these two!

After our adventure in bear territory, the rain threatened and in true tourist style we whipped out these gems. Always prepared. It stopped raining shortly after this adornment. 

My parents spoiled us with an incredible boat ride across two breathtaking lakes and a hike out to the third where we all stood in the serenity of a place we will not soon forget. It was a magical afternoon. We ended the evening with an anniversary dinner for my parents celebrating their 47th year of marriage complete with huckleberry pie. There were a lot of tears when we had to say goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa. It was a very special two weeks.

My all time favorite selfie.

The next day mommy attempted to distract us from our sadness with an epic fail of a long day in the car. Temperatures rose and we raced home hoping to find Chance still alive in the RV. He's fine. We did love the Lake McDonald area though and so wish we would have had more time to hike and explore there. They had a hidden Jr. Ranger cabin the girls loved.

The next day mommy got it right and found a stream, behind the dumpster at a hotel. It was seriously our happy place... And the hotel had a coffee shop. A river, rocks, and coffee. Win, win. It's the little things.

We could have stayed here much longer, but alas we got our Jr. Ranger badges and pointed the Big Rolling Turd toward Yellowstone. 
