Point Reyes National Seashore

With a Cubs win, we could officially leave our 2 channels and head on down the coast toward our next adventure, San Francisco. 

We have been officially winging it since Washington, and it has its positives and negatives. Positive: we can completely exhaust an area before we move on taking each side road adventure that calls our name. Negative: we never really know where we're headed next and sometimes that happens to be when we're actually driving down the road.
Chance points the way! 
This drive was no exception. Whenever we'd round a corner and my phone would pick up service I would attempt another campground, but to no avail. My goal was to get us a spot within 30-45 minutes of San Fran. I also wanted to be close to the Point Reyes National Seashore as I had heard it was worth a visit. As we rolled into the area I decided to take a chance on a campground in Point Reyes. They had not picked up the phone, but it was my last shot without crossing the Golden Gate Bridge and finding a campground on the other side of the city. Let me just say that when I take a chance on a campground that means hauling this rolling turd and tow vehicle up and down steep grades only to have to turn around if they're full. Our fearless leader does not really enjoy this outcome. Fingers crossed we rolled in and got a spot. We stayed a week. It was a great spot! 
We hiked the beautiful Point Reyes astounded by long stretches of secluded beaches far beneath the cliffs, a lighthouse we could actually go explore, and well, the sheer size of elephant seals. I mean look at these things. Actual size! 
I've said before that northern California surprised us. I suppose it was northern California's similarity to Oregon in its coastline, small towns, and rolling pastures that we just didn't expect. 
On Sunday, we Googled yet again for a church and found ourselves greeted by welcoming faces and a warm Sunday school teacher. We have asked a lot of the girls in the last few months not the least of which is to walk into a new Sunday school class most Sundays. It is nerve wracking, yet they are all smiles when we pick them up. It has been a beautiful lesson in the face we hope to be for newcomers at our own church and in our own Sunday school classes upon our return. It is also been an experience rich in confidence building, bravery, trying new things, and the beauty of people. 

For us it was another uncanny experience of walking into a church to be handed a program describing their current study only to realize it again matched my own personal study of Judges. The pastor delivered a powerful message, and at the close, the Sunday school teachers delivered our children to the congregation and we all closed in song. When my children stand on chairs between us, arms linked with ours, belting out songs of praise, my heart is full. 

After church, we enjoyed a gorgeous afternoon driving the famous HWY 1 up and down the coast all the way to the San Francisco Bridge. 
The next day we actually crossed the bridge into San Fran and rode the Powell / Hyde cable car... on the outside! We headed to the Fisherman's Wharf and were surprised to find that the wharf was a national monument. We explored an incredible interpretive center, earned a jr ranger badge, and stepped back in time on a pier full of ships to explore. We walked to Giardelli square, ate one too many free samples, then headed onto Pier 39. We rode the carousel, searched for sea lions, and enjoyed Musee Macanique. We exhausted ourselves! We walked back to the car late that evening through China town and it was magical. The streets were filled with locals getting off of work and the markets were bustling. We loved it all! The sights, the sounds of a different language around us, and the smells. We ducked down a secret little alley and found a tiny, one room, fortune cookie "factory" where a family was hand making fortune cookies. He let us sample warm cookies off the press. Needless to say we loved every second of our day in San Fran. 

We took a break from city exploration to explore more old growth redwoods at the Muir Woods National Monument. I love when a National Park is pleasantly unexpected. This quaint grove of redwoods had a wooden boardwalk that wove through the grove with occasional offshoots beckoning you in with inviting benches and signs requesting your silence. It struck me how such a request was not odd to my children. They respectfully entered and gazed up in silent adoration. We earned a Muir Woods Jr ranger badge after meeting the most gregarious park ranger who had the deepest affectionate for these giants and made sure we left in love as well. 
We headed back into San Fran the next day and really just drove. I checked the painted ladies and Haite Ashbury off my bucket list and narrated our drive with a bit of San Fran history. Then we found the Golden Gate Park. It was the most incredible city park complete with top notch playgrounds, carousels, a bison paddock, polo fields, lakes, lawn bowing fields, and well, I could go on. It is massive. I hauled out the cardboard boxes I had hidden in the trunk and surprised the kids with a secret cement slide. We laughed so hard we cried! 
To wrap up our exploration of San Fran we contemplated the best place to spend our money and let the kids decide between a day trip to Alcatraz, a winery, or Angel Island. They actually chose the winery. No parental pressure! As we got ready, I suggested an outfit for the girls. When R asked why, M replied, "She wants us to, you know, look like we live in a house." Apparently our life in an RV suggests otherwise! We had the most lovely day learning about biodynamic farming and how wine is made. The wine wasn't half bad either! Driving through the rolling hills dotted with vineyards in Sonoma Valley was breathtaking. Google the Francis Coppola winery and pool. Sadly, we were too late to enjoy a visit there, but I'd love to go there! Some day Shawn and I vow to return to wine country sans kids! It is breathtaking! 
As we pack up, we actually know where we're headed! We'll be backtracking, but with good purpose! Friends have invited us to meet them in Bishop, CA for Thanksgiving and we couldn't be more excited! A clear destination, good people, good food, and a home in which to celebrate God's goodness! Bishop here we come!
