Facebook UNworthy

We've been on the road for 210 days, driven over 13,000 miles, and traveled through 29 states. As we chase the extraordinary you may wonder what Facebook has not accurately portrayed. Well, here it is... the reality of our journey, the source of our laughter, and our moments of greatest growth. 

Sometimes the road is lonely...
And you realize you are stuck in 300 square feet with these jokers for the next year. Every day. All day.
Sometimes you just can't get comfortable...
And people start to get bored.
Sometimes it rains and Petco is your only option for fun. 
Sometimes your backyard is a Walmart parking lot...
And breakfast is roadside. 
Sometimes one of us stages a protests and refuses to go on. 
Sometimes things break...
And repairs get down right dirty.  
Sometimes it just stinks being Daddy.
Sometimes you wish you had your gym back...
And the compressor was not your only weight. 
Sometimes we are down right cold...
And we take any means necessary to get warm. 
Sometimes we cook out of these same warming devices... on the floor. 
Sometimes our showers are questionable...

And our laundromats are too.  
Sometimes Mom cuts our hair...
And sometimes Dad tells us the batteries are low and we switch to headlamps. 
 Sometimes Mom gives us dry erase markers and tells us to decorate for Christmas. 
How do we do it? Laughter, prayer, and a lot of coffee and sugar. Don't judge. 
Would we do it all over again? Without a doubt. 
