The Cape

Fishing down by the lake with his Barbie rod - Shawn really needs an upgrade - and my phone pings.

"Congrats! You've made it a full week on the road! Celebrate!"

Cast. "Surely that's wrong."

Cast. Reel. "Woah."

We are moving way too fast.

We've been following the blogs of many full time RV families in preparation and have weighed common advice to: stay a week minimum in one place, consider travel days a wash, and only travel 6 hours max in one day. If you are following us on Facebook or Instagram, you can see we're booking through the east coast.

We struggled with this decision weighing blog advice, our desire to stay 70 and above all year, and see as much as we could. Shoot west for lengthy stays?  Or crush the east coast then book west? We chose the latter knowing we'd be pushing it and the result has been expected... We're beat!

We wouldn't trade our experiences in Rhode Island or Massachusetts though. We marveled at the beauty and opulence of Rhode Island driving the coast and stopping at the Vanderbuilt "summer cottage." The Breakers offers an audio tour that captivated our girls. We played tag on the lawn and pretended we lived there.

We walked The Cliff Walk the next morning and reluctantly left Rhode Island. Told you we were moving!

We spent a day driving the Cape...

Another day in Martha's Vineyard...

Chance's 1st bus ride!
Chance's 1st ferry ride! 

The cottages of Oaks Bluff.

Downtown Oaks Bluff.
I could live in Edgartown!
Exploring Edgartown's gorgeous coast!

A good day!
Sadly, we cashed in our plans for Nantucket and hit the beach day three.  It was all we could manage. We ended our stay with clam chowder and a lobster roll! We could have stayed in the Cape for two weeks, and Shawn and I have vowed to come back together... Alone!

Our sweet kiddos profess a love of RV living thus far and we marvel at how they truly take in their surroundings with awe and appreciation, but let's face it... we've had our share of non-Facebook worthy moments! We recently passed a car whose bumper sticker read, "Be kinder than necessary" and that has become our mantra... all. day. long. That and a lot of prayer. Want to learn a lot about your spouse, your children, and yourself? 300 square feet, alone, 24/7. It's an interesting experiment that we willingly chose. Our hope is that it is a bit like boot camp... grueling, especially at its start, but in the end we'll all return home changed, stronger, and closer.

That's the hope anyway! We'll let ya know how that works out for us!

Off to Maine!


  1. I LOVE that you pretended to live at that quaint Vanerderbilt cottage. Fun pics! ;o)


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