Acadia National Park, ME

Two weeks in and of this I am sure...

- The West family is truly learning what it means to conserve water.
- We are slowly being poisoned by the smell of the black tank.
- I love everything about being in nature as long as it doesn't touch me.
- No matter how you adjust your jacks some sites just aren't level, and when this happens, it is like living with a perpetual case of motion sickness.

While this has been the situation in Maine, a bit of normalcy caught up with us and we slowed down a bit. We set up our off kilter camp in the most breath taking part of the country - Schoodic Point. We thought we had booked a site IN Acadia National Park, but after gps had us pass all signs pointing as such we got a bit worried. Interesting fact: Recently, an anonymous donor purchased all of what's known as Schoodic Point and donated it to the National Park Service in Acadia. Amazing! If not for this donor, this gorgeous land could now be an opulent resort! The park is brand new and the only campground in Acadia that has hook up, so naturally we booked here; we just didn't realize we were an hour from the main part of Acadia. And what a blessing it was! I know we are just beginning, but I don't see us topping this remote beauty or the people here.

We did take a day to drive over to the main section of Acadia and explore.

We hiked to the top of Cadillac Mountain!
We were determined to find the summit marker! 
After a long day, Chance was OUT!
M helpin' a sister out! 
After our long day over in the main section of Acadia, we hunkered down and stayed put. Schoodic Point campground is tucked away, pristine, and quiet. And there is so much to do! The Rangers were the kindest people who had such pride and extensive knowledge in their corner of the world. Their Junior Ranger Program was amazing!

Ranger Donnalee was our FAVORITE part of Acadia!
Learning to catch fish like a heron.
We spent a day biking through Schoodic Point and exploring. At the end of our day, and five mile bike ride, we ended up missing the last bus back. We set out for the five miles home and these troopers did it! A ten mile bike ride much of which was uphill. It ended up being such a huge accomplishment we were actually glad we missed the bus. A shout out to the man who rode with his hand on a back pushing up hill and then doubling back for the other kiddo... up hill after hill for 5 miles! Much love for this daddy! Our reward...extra s'mores with Ranger Donalee who was kind enough to accept our invitation after a full day at work. The girls set up the s'more bar, helped get the campfire going, and waited... Oh the joy when she came riding her bike around the corner! Ranger Donnalee was pretty much the highlight of our visit. She took such time with the girls answering their Junior Ranger questions, exploring with them, hunting for examples in the forest with them, and just loving on them in general. We are so grateful! What fun to have a listening ear at the end of each of their adventures other than mom and dad!

We learned so much about the tide pools here!
Thunder hole! 
Rock hopping champions of the world!
Ranger Shawn was another favorite friend of ours letting us interview him for our Junior Ranger booklet, busting out a hidden talent no one in the office knew he had, a tour jete, and also joining us for s'mores with his 2 year old son. What fun to get to know new and such wonderful people!

Our final day was spent rock hopping and finishing our Junior Ranger booklets. The Schoodic Institute, devoted to phenology, was established where once the Navy ran a top secret communications operation. We had so much fun learning about the history there as well as the current research that takes place there now! Amazing!

What IS this thing you call a typewriter?
Learning morse code! My grandpa actually did this!!!
M finishing her Junior Ranger book.
R finishing her Junior Ranger book.
Watching artists at work.
It was just the pace, outdoor time, natural beauty, and friendship we needed! We were all hugs and sad to leave at the end of our stay!

Earning their Junior Ranger badges with Ranger Donnalee!
Now we're off to New York!


  1. I found you! I miss you! your photos and thoughts are beautiful and fun! Acadia rocks! The Tamarack trees are the best

    1. We miss YOU!! We're still talking about Acadia and putting Shoodic on the bucket list of everyone we meet!

  2. I miss you! The Tamarack trees are lovely as ever.

  3. Maine has been on my bucket list, but now I know where to go! Stunning pics!

  4. Hey, girl! Great that you are acclimating. I so understand the whole "taking a day to catch your breath" notion. John and I have yet to find the balance between getting to what we want to see/do and wearing ourselves out getting there.

    We are off to Alaska in August, then will begin planning our big trek for 2017. Thinking of west to CA, then coming back along the northern route to hit the National Parks we missed last summer.

    It seems to me that you are also learning how hard it is to keep up a blog AND travel AND keep up with life!

    Cannot wait to have a chance to visit with you after your adventures end and talk.


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