
There are to do lists scattered all over our home - on paper, on white boards, taped to exits - lest we forget the insurmountable tasks necessary in planning for a trip of this magnitude. I knew the lists were there, and I knew they were long, but while trying to work and do life we've been plugging away at a never ending to do list. Here's the thing. We have moved, we have had major life changes, all of which required to do lists. What I was not prepared for was having to roll out May 31st with an unfinished list. I do not do unfinished lists. In fact, I am the person who goes back and adds items I have already done, just so I can check them off.

Rent our home - Check
Buy an RV - Check
Buy a Jeep to tow - Check
Pack the house - Check
Enroll in a homeschool association - Check
Make reservations across the country through summer - Check

Things I have not done...

I have not learned to play the guitar. The image of mom playing for the family around the campfire as we all sing under the stars... brilliant. I envisioned this.

I have not gone to the gym. I had big plans. Golds and I have always had a difficult, one-sided relationship. I've invested financially and Gold's has yet to reciprocate. I suppose the life lesson I've learned here, as in all relationships, fits… I need to show up.

I have not downloaded all of our CDs, DVD's, or even purchased music for the road. The majority of our year will be spent in places that advertise "limited connectivity" and our family has survived off of Pandora since its inception. Crap. Now I have no guitar and no Pandora. Silence.

I have not properly planned for the education of our children. Aren't you an educator? Yes. I had high hopes for how organized I would be upon departure, but alas, day to day life crept in and I was busy teaching other people's children every day. There was no time left to prepare for the education of my own. Here's to hoping they learn through osmosis.

I have not stripped the RV of its heinous décor and redecorated to make it super cute. If you've seen a remodel of an air stream… That was my goal. Budget? What budget? Instead, I will be pulling out of the driveway rocking original brown and black prints from the 80s, pleather, and faux wood. Awesome.

I have not had laser hair removal on my legs. Have you seen an RV shower? Have you attempted shaving in lukewarm water? National Parks with no hook up for over a week? Showering in public restrooms with my Walmart shower shoes and I will put my leg where? The horror.

I have not written each of my friends and loved ones a super long note telling them how much I love and appreciate them. I have extreme difficulty with change and closure. So... I love you, bye, and hide in your homes until I'm gone. Let's not make this any harder than it has to be.

So, The Frugal Five thanks time... The ultimate thief of my lofty goals! 

While I have not tackled these and well, the majority of my to do list, I am strangely at peace. It makes me recall a quote of which I tried to convince myself long ago: 
"Happiness is a journey, not a destination. For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life, but there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. {...a to do list.} At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. This perspective has helped me to see there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way." - Souza

Well, that and a good shower.


  1. Love your voice! I can hear you! Laughing and cringing with you.

  2. Happy travels. I can't wait to follow along on your journey with you!


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