The Frugal 5

To buy or not to buy a new song on iTunes...

This was the $1.99 question of the day when my husband reminded me we had just entered the frugal five. 

"The frugal five?"  I asked.

"Five months and counting until our departure," he replied. 

Our family has decided to embark on a year-long RV trip across the United States. We have the blessings of few, the doubts of many, and a place deep in our hearts where we feel God has said... go. 

Preparations for this trip are beginning to consume our little family, so I assume the frugal five is as good a time as any to begin recording the journey. What does the frugal five entail? Well, I am sure slowing down my trips to Target are only the beginning steps. Although, I am certain there will be room for my dollar section, Valentine banner on the RV. A must. My dear husband is a financial advisor so instructions, flow charts, and meetings regarding the frugality of my future are certainly forthcoming.

I predict the frugal five has a greater purpose than just being an effort to save money prior to departure. While I would strongly argue we live the frugal 365, it is amazing how many unnecessary bills and expenses one can cut and not miss when you get down to it. So as we whittle down our expenses in our home and lives, I am sure it is also preparing us for a very different life than we're used to on the road. Smart man... did I mention he was a financial advisor? 

And so our journey begins. Feel free to follow along, and if you ever find yourself playing around with this hair-brained idea, perhaps this blog can be of some use!
